Sunday, March 21, 2010


So, yesterday my husband tries to have a "talk" with me about my eating. Seems that my eating all the ice cream and chips has his skinny ass all bent and suddenly he's feeling the need to lecture me on portions and moderation and all that. W.T.F?!?! Like he knows jack-shit about nutrition. Like he doesn't sit down with a big bowl of ice cream every god-damned night his own self. Like he makes a comment about my stomach (which yes, is getting a little flabby) but says he "Doesn't want to make me mad." Excuse me?

Pissed me the fuck off, that's what he did.

So, to vent my anger I am no longer eating carbs of any sort and heading out for 2x daily workouts. And when, in 4 days, he starts whining "I never seeeee youuuuuuuu" I'm gonna flip him the bird.

And, the jerk told me a few minutes after getting up that he wants to bake cookies today. Huh? He calls me fat yesterday and then wants to fill my house with the aroma of baking cookies today? That is just fucking MEAN! But then, he is such a nutritional EXPERT....


  1. Some guys think they know everything, but then they just end up contradicting themselves a million times over

  2. It seems to me that he's trying to make himself feel like he's taking care of you and then trying to make himself feel better by trying to make you happy after he makes you angry.

    Men really have no clue, I guess.
