Tuesday, March 23, 2010

3 great things I learned today

1. They don't weigh you at the urgent care place! How awesome is that? Pretty damn awesome I say! I know better than an medical professional how fat I am due to obsessive daily weighings and visual assessment of fat rolls. Thanks for recognizing the benefits of not telling me that I need to lose 20 lbs while I am already feeling shitty. If this is a marketing ploy, whoever came up with it is certainly due a bonus in my book. They will be my first line of medical care from now on, based solely on this fact. AND, they gave me a Rx for codeine cough syrup! I can't wait to cuddle up with that tonight!!

2. I cooked Brussels sprouts today and found them to not suck. I don't know what the big deal is about. They tasted kinda like broccoli only stronger. I'm not saying they will become a daily staple, but I will buy them again.

3. Due to Kitty's stellar advice, I now have a way of knowing when I have achieved blog greatness--When I piss off enough folks that I am slapped with internet sanctions and a content warning. I have something to work towards now. Time to buy a chandelier so I can have crazy swinging sex and share, share, share.

1 comment:

  1. it took me yeeears and a lot of tits / pussy / cuss words to get that warning.

    good luck. i e-back you 100% of the way!

