Sunday, April 25, 2010

Goodbye food

I don't need you any more. After those awful FB pictures my friend posted where I look all chunky and bloated, I have finally realized what you have done to me. Telling me "I need you," "I'm good for you" and "I can't live without you" while dragging me pound by pound away from my goal. You suck! I don't wanna be that chunky, pudgy, doughy gal any more. I finally know now that I deserve better so buh-BYE! I can totally make it without you! Other's do it every day. I am strong. I see through you. You are nothing to me.

(And when my stomach is all twisted up and burning from emptiness and I'm about to pass out, standing with my head in the fridge doing the diet equivalent of a drunk-dial, I'm gonna think of those designer jeans and tank-tops I want to wear this summer and I'm gonna tell you to step the FUCK OFF!!)


  1. Huh, "the diet equivalent of a drunk-dial". How appropriate, yet I never made that connection. I'm a serial drunk-dialer, drunk-texter etc. I suppose that's what they mean about bulimics having impulsive personalities.
