Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thursday update

Today had some good and some not good parts. I guess that works out to an average day.

The good: Did back-to-back aerobic classes this morning.
Drank 2 liters of water.
Took a nap in the afternoon and cuddled my dog.

The bad: A total stranger got on me about dog crap in his yard. My dog was not even crapping, she was just walkin her slow ass thru his grass. Fucker. Makes me want to fill his yard with stinky dog shit.

I didn't get any of the job apps in. I guess there is always tomorrow. I just can't get motivated to open myself up for more rejection.

Ate too much at breakfast and lunch, had a mini-binge in the afternoon and then remedied the situation with a little purging. I figure I've got the skill, I might as well use it. Then I took more pills and have had only a little snack and coffee since the purge.

Tomorrow I seriously need to get on it with the jobs and I need to go to the mall to pay a bill. I may buy some more tank tops and then I seriously need to shut down the spending. I have spent $140 on clothes in less than a week. (Not much to some of you, but then you have jobs and such...)

I'm not sure what the exercise or eating situation will turn out like. Hubby has invited a friend and his gf over in the evening, so I won't be doing my run if that happens. (This friend is notorious for making plans and bailing.) I will still go to aerobics in the morning so that will get me an hour of exercise. I thought about getting up early to run before class but that isn't really in the cards. I'm trying to do strenuous exercise morning and evening to keep my metabolism up. Plus my left knee is feeling a little twingey so I prolly should rest it.

And we are supposed to order Chinese when/if they come over. I may just fast all day so I can eat and enjoy it knowing it is my only calories for the day. Of course, that goes against my natural desire to eat the majority of my calories in the morning, but then again I won't get skinny if I follow my natural desires, will I?

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