Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Back and fatter than ever!

Yep, I am fatter. Busting out of my clothes and even had to resort to buying some bigger pants. FML. The scale is remaining the same but my fitness and muscle tone have left the building and I'm a jiggly mess. I'm going on my 5th month of seriously not working out and it's showing. I bought one of those knock-off Spanx tops to compress my jelly-belly enough that I would actually be willing to leave the house. It works ok, (like, the rolls are squished together to form a firm barrel-shaped torso) but I miss my slim, flat stomach.

I would like to say that these revelations have motivated me to get off my lardy ass and exercise and put down the oatmeal cream pies, but actually only one of those has happened so far, and it wasn't the exercise one. I bought a ton of salad veg today and am getting back on the low carb wagon, but I gotta admit that I'm not sure my heart is in it.

Now that the wedding is past, what IS my motivation to stay slim? Well, I guess to not hate myself for being fat and lazy is a good reason. And to actually wear the clothes in my closet. And to not feel self-conscious in matters related to my figure. And to reach the goal I set for myself.

So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I just haven't been "feelin' it" in regards to weight loss for some time now. But I think I'm almost ready to try again.

Stay tuned....

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