Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Recovery is for skinny girls

Several months ago, I started looking around the 'net and reading ED recovery blogs. As someone who has danced the dance on and off for over 20 years, I thought I could perhaps find insight into my own situation. And there are many lovely people out there doing great things and getting their shit together and I am happy to have been given insight into their lives. But...

...Today it all just makes me sad. Why? you say. Well, for this reason that uncovers what a petty and jealous person I am. I don't even want to say it out loud, but I shall, because what's the point if I'm not keepin it real?I am discouraged with the recovery blogs I am reading because, well, Those girls are still skinny! They get to recover and still be thin. Does anyone ever actually get a high BMI in recovery? Do they just not talk about it? Do you have to quit your recovery blog if you actually end up chunky?

I just feel so BAD about myself today. I am not thin, not recovered, and obviously not even good at having ED.


  1. I am sorry you are sad. I am hear for you--- and I enjoy reading what you have to say. If you want to write a recovery blog, I will read it :)
    You are definitely one of my favorite bloggers

  2. yo i have a recovery blog and i'm not thin! I guess I am just average, but I feel like a freaking whale. But the thing is, even when I was thin i still hated my body and felt fat. So it really is a losing game (pun intended). I think what is key is to find things about yourself to love other than appearance. This is something I am trying to work on anyway. Because looks don't last. Even if you do get thin, someday you will get old and wrinkly. We all will.
    Recovery is worth it (at least thats what i am trying to believe)
